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Teatro Aveirense hosts extension of Fimp'23

Published at — 27 October 2023

Teatro Aveirense hosts extension of Fimp'23

On November 5th, Teatro Aveirense will host an extension of FIMP – Porto International Puppet Festival, with the presentation of Negative Space, by the British company Reckless Sleepers. This scenic-dramaturgical creation by the English troupe celebrates the final stretch of the festival, promising a lot of excitement and some destruction of the set.

Mole Wetherell, the great mentor of the piece, and a prominent member of the company, describes the process of this unique proposal: “To begin with, we built a wooden structure the size of a room and covered it with plasterboard. For several weeks we dedicated ourselves to destroying it and putting together the fragments of its destruction. The result was the show Negative Space.” However, there is something that goes beyond this mere and succinct description. Mole further emphasizes: “From a blank canvas something fantastic emerges. It's a love story. It is a comedy. It's action. It’s cutting, it’s melodrama… and not a single word is said!” However, “suddenly, different possible stories spiral toward an ending.” It is a dizzying and disconcerting spectacle. It's definitely a piece for those who want to get out of the box, because the air inside it has become increasingly unbreathable.

This extension of Fimp’23 is complemented by the Fimpalitos workshop, on the same day at 10:30 am, an activity where reuse is the watchword and in which everyone can participate. The wood from which the Fimpalitos' bodies are made comes from leftovers from scenography and it is up to each participant to develop and personalize their puppet. The organization provides the necessary materials and tools and, at the end, everyone will go home accompanied by this collective mutant mascot. Participation is free upon prior registration through the email agenio@cm-aveiro.pt.

Fimp'23 – Porto International Puppet Festival 2023 takes place between October 6th and November 5th, offering a stage for seventeen shows by Portuguese and foreign companies, a concert, a short film, three masterclasses, four WOP's - workshops, two WIP's – Work in Progress and two exhibitions. All this took place in twelve spaces in Porto, Matosinhos and, for the first time, in Aveiro, at Teatro Aveirense.