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Teatro Aveirense announces its September program

Published at — 3 August 2023

Teatro Aveirense announces its September program

In September, Teatro Aveirense makes a strong bet on theatre, dance and visual arts, with two premieres, in a calendar that includes names like Victor de Oliveira, Mario Bigonzetti, Nuno Cardoso and Gonçalo M. Tavares.

Activities begin on the 8th and 9th of September with the premiere of As Areias do Imperador, of which Teatro Aveirense is co-producer together with Teatro Nacional São João. It is a creation by Victor de Oliveira that transports spectators to the end of the 19th century and the political wars in Mozambique, in an impossible love story performed by 15 Mozambican, Portuguese and French interpreters. A creation that also has the support of La Colline – Théâtre National de Paris, the Ministère de la Culture – Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d’Île-de-France, the Camões Institute of Maputo and the University of Aveiro.

This project marks the presence of a co-creation mini-cycle between Teatro Aveirense and Teatro Nacional de São João, which includes As Bruxas de Salém, on September 29, a seminal text by Arthur Miller with staging by Nuno Cardoso. Based on real facts, the original play alluded to McCarthyism in the United States of America, a period known for the political persecution promoted against various figures of North American culture and of which Arthur Miller himself was a victim. Today, Nuno Cardoso finds echoes there that spread throughout the contemporary world and that justify his choice.

On the 16th of September comes the premiere of Vi o Ayrton Senna Morrer Nos Olhos do Meu Irmão. This project is the outcome of a partnership between Teatro Aveirense and Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, from Leiria, which is part of the Rede de Teatros e Cineteatros Portugueses network. To this, Teatro Aveirense launched a challenge to Associação Dolodo and Orquestra Filarmonia das Beiras to create a project to be presented in both cities. The result is a creation developed around childhood and the baby shower concept as a device of representation.

On the same day, the exhibition Os Aveirenses is opened, curated by Gonçalo M. Tavares, comprising the premiere of a documentary that records what Aveiro residents of all ages feel and dream about. This film completes a triptych started in 2022, by order of the Municipality of Aveiro | Teatro Aveirense, composed of two other films dedicated to the memory and future of Aveiro, shown simultaneously in this exhibition.

On September 23, Teatro Aveirense receives Companhia Nacional de Bailado, which presents Cantata, by Mario Bigonzetti, and Symphony of Sorrows, by Miguel Ramalho, two creations united by the idea of community, taking to stage different ways of looking at dance and the collective concept.